UK Tech Nation 2018 Report to be released Thursday 17th May - Join the Collective Tech Destination Cornwall Campaign in May - Tech Cornwall

During May and inline with the UK Tech Nation Campaign, Software Cornwall, working with Tech Nation and the local community are running an online campaign to increase the visibility of Cornwall’s growing tech community. The campaign will feature a diverse array of Cornish tech including local businesses, news, case studies, support, education and career pathways.

Campaign Objectives
To work collectively as a community to promote and raise awareness of

  • Cornwall’s Tech Community locally, nationally and globally
    Cornwall as a global destination for tech organisations and people
    The growth and diversity of Cornwall’s Tech Community
    Future opportunities for Cornwalls Tech sector
  • The Software Cornwall team will be sharing news about our programmes and members through the web site and social media
    Join the Campaign

To support the campaign, please share your news and stories through the web site (share your news here) and join in the conversation on social media via the #technation #techcornwall hashtags.  Posts will be shared through our Social Media and email news.