Tech Nation Report 2017

Tech Nation Report 2017

The figures for the 2017 Tech Nation annual report are in and we are really excited to see the results.
We’re really pleased with the stats for the South West tech-cluster and how quickly it’s expanding.
Tech Nation’s report provides the most comprehensive view of the UK digital tech economy and ecosystems to date.

“To produce this in-depth report we analysed more than 1000 data points, over 2,700 survey responses from digital tech founders and employees and incorporated insights from over 220 community partners across the UK. The findings are clear, when it comes to digital tech investment, talent and skills and digital collaboration, the UK is a leader within Europe and on the international stage.”

Investment in Digital Tech reaches £6.8bn – that’s 50% higher than any other European Country. Over the past five years London has attracted more investment than Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam combined.

The average digital salary for Cornwall is £31,322 – this is considerably higher than non-digital salaries for the same region.
0% of tech businesses said that one of their primary issues is the supply of talent – it is reported that 13% of employees are from outside of the UK.

The UK is also home to 8 of the top 20 European Universities.

We, as a tech cluster, rank in the top 10 Tech Clusters with a growth rate of 61%.

Truro & Redruth Statistics

Number of Digital Jobs: 1380

Digital GVA: £39 Million

Digital Concentration: 0.44

Average Advertised Digital Salary: £31,322

Startup Births: 22

Tech Sector Growth Potential: 79%

Please click the images below to see the full two-page spread on Cornwall.

Tech Nation Report 2017 Truro and RedruthTech Nation Report 2017 Truro and Redruth

Top 10 clusters in the tech nation report 2017



You can read the full Tech Nation Report 2017 online here.
We would love to hear your views on growing tech cluster in Cornwall. Please feel free to tweet them to us at @SwCornwall