SCSLhealth partnership with Leicester City CCG wins in EHI Awards 2015 - Tech Cornwall


Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has won in the category “Excellence in Business Healthcare Analytics’ in the 2015 Ehealth Insider (EHI) awards at a ceremony in London last night. The prestigious awards have been running since 2007.

The CCG won for its partnership working with SCSLhealth, using expertise from both sides to deploy a central analysis anticoagulation business intelligence tool, INRstar analytics. This intelligence tool has allowed the CCG to improve population based anticoagulation (AC) outcomes as part of their wider CVD programme, which to date has helped to reduce the risk of strokes across the CCG by 50%, prevented 16 strokes in the last 12 months and reduced overdue INR tests by 78%.

The analysis software supports the fast and efficient clinical analysis of Time in Therapeutic Range (TTR) trends, National Patient Safety audits; identifying patients who have missed INR tests which could put them at risk of stroke.

The Leicester City anticoagulation service runs across 52 primary care providers and having INRstar analytics means that commissioners and providers are now able to monitor and measure activity and quality metrics for patient safety and clinical outcomes in real-time, with a single push of a button. This allows clinical variation to be minimised, which helps to reduce emergency stroke admissions.

INRstar analytics was designed with clinicians and commissioners at Leicester City CCG, to provide instant, up to date data on AC services across multiple locations using INRstar. Introducing INRstar analytics has meant that the CCG is presented with real time intelligence dashboards including national comparison.

Emma Jane Roberts, Deputy Director of Strategy and Implementation at Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group says:
“This is a story about two organisations coming together to transform raw data into real time business and clinical intelligence to improve service delivery, improve clinical outcomes and improve patient safety. INRstar analytics has transformed the way we look at anticoagulation data to support the patient safety agenda across whole patient populations.”