Tech Destination Cornwall - Find your ideal career pathway in Cornwall #technation #wearetechnation #cornwall - Tech Cornwall

Over the past year Cornwall’s private and public sectors have been investing and scaling tech education and career pathways across the county.  An innovative new Game Changer programme has been seeking out Cornwall’s future tech talent, teaching them key tech skills and support to find their ideal career pathways, whether a hands-on apprenticeship with a local company, or, through a variety of local college and university courses.

The programme is headlined by Mission to Mars, a 4-day software development course for young people to experience what it’s like to work in Cornwall’s tech sector. This work experience week teaches students how to code and build autonomous robots like those used on the Mars missions that Goonhilly will be tuning into soon!

Mission to Mars: Bytesize Announced

Careers and education events across the cluster continue to grow with monthly Cornwall Tech Jams, which included sending code to the International Space Station, a new Tech Education Outreach running workshops and talks for students and support for teachers too through tecademy weekends for teachers with secondary schools throughout the county.

Bluefruit featured on the WOW Show

The Agile Huddle is back and we are taking it to the next level!

Find out more abour our educational activities in our Learn section of our website