October Meetup - Digital media, Tech Start up, Skills, Tech Week and more! - Tech Cornwall

October Software Cornwall Meet up

Wednesday, October 21, 2015
5:30 PM to 8:00 PM

kindly hosted by AIR, Tremough, Penryn

Meet up Agenda:

Digital Media courses with Darren Whittington lecturer at Falmouth Uni
Tech Startups – a chance for local startups and tech businesses to meet up
Tech Cornwall Week – an update – Mike Trebilcock
An update from Software Cornwall on skills – Belinda
Games academy to update us on their upcoming activities – Simon
EU Funding opportunities – Toby Parkins
Tech Nation Update – Belinda


We will have short 10 minute lightning talks on each topic and then break out into groups to discuss further

Please note there is no cafe at AIR so I doubt we will be able to have refreshments – do feel free to bring cake / drinks !

please email if you would like to host a topic – [email protected]

