New EPIC events added in April and May - Tech Cornwall

NEW events!

Tuesday 8 May – Save the date for event with Charles Lowe, Managing Director, Digital Health & Care Alliance, Truro

Charles has a background in digital health, working in both public & private sectors. His recent work has centred on the regulation & assessment of mHealth apps.  He is Managing Director of the Digital Health & Care Alliance (DHACA), an Expert Reviewer for the EC, a Contributing Editor to, a Special Adviser to both NICE & the CQC, organiser of the London Health Technology Forum, and Past President of the Royal Society of Medicine’s Telemedicine & eHealth Section.

Wednesday 18 April – OpenEHR within a mature NHS Ecosystem – the Plymouth Perspective, Plymouth

Members of the EPIC team are delighted to be supporting this event, an ideal opportunity to learn about OpenEHR from a national and international perspective. From a local perspective, we want to showcase the incredible progress made in the South West, as well as exploring what other opportunities, including funding, there might be for SMEs in the OpenEHR environment.

Are you involved in or keen to solve the patient data challenge, create long-lived, versioned, distributed digital health applications and to do so in a future-proof scalable manner? If the answer to any of these is yes, then we highly recommend attending to explore how to solve the interoperability from a “systems theory” perspective.


Other dates for your diary… 

Tuesday 10 April – EPIC Workshop with Trelawney Domiciliary Care, Camborne

Wednesday 18 April – Cornwall Business Fair, Truro 

Tuesday 24 April – EPIC Digital Technologies and Care Homes, Bodmin



Our grant programme is in full swing and we have received more than ten applications. Three applicants have already received payments, with others at contracting stage and some being refined at the moment.

To apply for a feasibility grant go to:

To apply for a development grant go to: