Book your free place at Get Skills Cornwall - Tech Cornwall

Kick off Cornwall Business Week with an injection of skills at Get Skills Cornwall, a morning of free workshops to help you work smarter and thrive.

Taking place on Tuesday 17 April from 8am to midday at The Headland Hotel in Newquay, there will be practical tips to help you maximise the potential of your team, as well as sessions on sales strategy, leadership and digital marketing. You will also hear first-hand the impact that apprenticeships can have on business success and get advice on accessing the funding and support that is available.

8am: Welcome and breakfast
8.30am: Introduction
8.45am: Maximising the Potential of Your Team – Sue Hook, Sapience HR
9.15am: How to Make your Sales Strategy Awesome – Trevor Lee, Trevor Lee Media
9.45am: Coffee and networking
10.15am: Get Results from Digital Marketing – Sara Pugh, 8Wire
10.45am: Top Leadership Tips – Michael Danes, Corbeau Consulting
10.15am: Making Apprenticeships Work – Lisa Hutchings, Skills Hub
11.45am: How the Skills Hub Can Help Your Business – Josh Hoole, Skills Hub
12pm: Close

Book your FREE place at