Aerospace Cornwall : growing Cornwall's SpaceTech and AeroSpace sectors - Tech Cornwall

Aerospace Cornwall

The Aerospace Cornwall project aims to increase the supply chain cluster in the Space and Aerospace sectors, create highly skilled jobs in Cornwall and launch new products into the marketplace.

AeroSpace Cornwall aims to increase activities in Aerospace, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), and Space including upstream and downstream technologies. This can include, but not exclusive to, advanced engineering, data analysis and software companies.

Activities that will be delivered through the project to achieve this aim include;

  • Match funding for projects with capital purchases and salaries. Typical projects receive a maximum of £150,000
  • Up to 20 days of fully funded supply chain competitiveness support
  • A team of R&D Technology Managers offering mentoring and support for collaborative RD&I projects with 25% – 80% funding and fully funded innovation vouchers (£5,000).

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