Community Games Project - Re-imagining Your Town. Re-imagine Penryn - Tech Cornwall


Re-imagining Your Town. Re-imagine Penryn

An animated visualisation of the past, present & future inspired by the people of Penryn


Re-imagining Your Town is project in development. It will be an audio visual imersive digital walk around of a town. A 3D interactive map inspired, remembered and dreamed up by the people of that town.


Professionals create the framework for the digital environment in which the content, created by the people of the town is placed. The content evolves through interdisciplinary workshops and events with residents across age groups.


Those accessing the map are able to chose to wander in and out of past histories or future ideas as well as contribute their own ideas. As such Re-imagine your town becomes a living and evolving archive of your town.


Aside from creating an interactive tool for local education and tourism the project provides a focus for community consultation on town planning and related events. Using interactive technology the participants/public will be able to feed in statistical data to demonstrate the impact of ideas on the town. Any proposals for future town development could thus be made easily available for consideration before being taken any further whilst also raising aspirations


InterAnima CIC is proposing Penryn as the Pilot town


Penryn could be the ideal town for the Pilot. It is relatively small to make it feasible, and has a rich and inspiring history. Furthermore due to the impact of Tremough campus and ESF investment in the area Penryn requires a visionary response in town planning. This project would enable a creative dialogue between the people of Penryn, across generations, to visualise and discuss their heritage, the towns present development needs and what Penryn could become in the future.


InterAnima CIC is a new community Interest company based in Penryn. Our objective is to facilitate community development through interdisciplinary animation. To decide whether Penryn is a viable Pilot Town for Re-imagine Your Town we are beginning a dialogue with local organisation, business, artists and interested individuals. A final decision will be made by the end of February 2016.


Examples of possible workshops suggested so far are:

Audio landscapes – Animating the past into the present the present into the future – Dance and Choreography in response to space – A cardboard miniature crazy golf set of the town- GPS drawing & mapping – Guided Walks and ghost stories – Imagining a sustainable Penryn – Economies for a towns survival – Building and Traffic impact alternatives – Interactive digital mapping games.


We welcome further dialogue with interested parties Please do contact Becalelis at [email protected] / 07968915563 if you are interested in discussing collaboration or involvement in this project