Plymouth University STEM Careers Day 4th November - SWC Attending

Software Cornwall will be attending Plymouth University Careers Day on the 4th November to speak to students about careers and experience opportunities.  Representing members the team will share details of the network, roles available, types of businesses and more.

Members are welcomed to join the stand or supply materials for the stand – please contact [email protected]

The “Exploring Your Future” series of placement and graduate recruitment fairs are open to all students across the University, at all stages of their degree.

Employers will be offering graduate positions as well as internships, international opportunities and the chance to gather information and network with current employees.

This fair focuses on opportunities linked to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and will be really beneficial to you if you want to meet specific exhibitors or want to explore a range of career options. There will be a large number of international and national organisations, recruiting students from all disciplines. Think outside of the box about how you can use your transferable skills to benefit different employers and expand the opportunities available to you.