Cornwall Tech Week

Cornwall College and Software Cornwall have set a mission to run a Tech week in Cornwall for the software community!

Please see events section of this website through the main menu and for latest information on events and activities


Cornwall Tech Week will run alongside the global #hourofcode week

Supporting Secondary Schools to teach the new computer engineering curriculum

All are welcome as we will hope to work collaboratively around the county to ensure events for all to try software engineering!

Get involved – if you would like to run an Tech Week event, help support an event, have a venue or have any questions please do get in touch !

Cornwall Tech Week 4-12th December (ish!)

Aim is to have Software events every day during this week to create a buzz about Computing, specifically aimed at helping teachers to adopt the new Computing GCSE and inspiring students into taking it as an option by showing the opportunities in the sector.  Also a week for the community with events and meet ups to help us connect and explore innovative technology and opportunities, and raise the profile of tech in Cornwall

Linked to the global #hourofcode project

Cornwall Tech Week email list subscription here

Be part of tech week – hour of code – if you would like to host an hour of code – let us know – if you are a volunteer doing an hour of code let us know so we can promote your event! [email protected]

Week Before

CAS – Computing at School meeting to connect us with teachers in schools teaching Computing – Loraine to organise and invite teachers – Belinda/MikeT to attend at least


All Week School Assemblies

we want to get into every secondary school before they take GCSE options in January through assembly presentations during Tech week and leading upto January options – 20 minute assembly – give presentation focus on digital sector why interesting and good, Software Cornwall will supply a template presentation that volunteers can use

Volunteers to deliver – 30-40 schools – Looking for volunteers to help with that as choosing GCSEs – and potential Y11 going to college

We will contact schools to ask them for a date we can visit and present to students in their assemblies and promote tech week – once we have responses we will circulate details so we can match events to volunteers –

please email [email protected] if you would like to volunteer or can connect us with  schools


4th Friday – polymer workshop – wo king organising – details to be confirmed – will be added on CDMG as soon as information received

5th Saturday – Eden project Teacher #hourofcode – MikeT organising (can be reached via [email protected])  Teacher CPD (that weekend eden is free for teachers) 3 sessions throughout day – VOLUNTEERS TO HELP NEEDED

1030am , 1pm and 3pm  An hour of code ( pick #hourofcode projects that volunteers then help teachers to do)
15 minutes on the curriculum – for any teacher at any level

7th Monday (or Friday ) Software Cornwall December Community Meet up – venue and date tbc suggestions welcomed – will add to CDMG

8th TuesdayTeacher CPD – Truro College 4.30-6pm – volunteers needed to support Mike T – event to help teachers understand new Computing Curriculum and Software Careers and options

9th Wednesday 9.30-11am  Eden – Lego Education – lego will be coming to Eden to engage with school teachers and play a number of Lego Education games to help them with CPD for the new curriculum and teaching software

10th Thursday 9.30 – tbc – Internet of Things Workshop – Capapult – at an innovation centre Shaun from catapult will give a workshop on the Internet of Things and hopefully an insight into Gov funding and support available for digital innovation.  Venue to be confimed – Tremough Innovation Centre or one of the Innovation Centres has offered to host – details to be confirmed and will be added to CDMG – organiser – Kathryn Woofe

10th Thursday  4.30-6pm – Bodmin College – volunteers needed to support Mike T – event to help teachers understand new Computing Curriculum and Software Careers and options

12th Saturday – Cornwalls first Tech Jam 10-5pm – bodmin college

This is on CDMG as a meet up – suggest conversations on there to progress details

Tech jam – Cornwall tech week

Saturday, Dec 12, 2015, 10:00 AM

No location yet.

6 Geekies Attending

Tbc ! A day Maybe Bodmin college

Check out this Meetup ?