Tech Cornwall


Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Businesses Set to STRIDE Forward with Revolutionary Support Programme

As the tides of technological evolution rise, businesses in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly are presented with an unprecedented opportunity to not just keep pace but to lead the charge. 

Enter STRIDE (Success Through Research, Innovation, and Development Excellence), a new project that promises to turbocharge innovation across the region.

Unveiled by the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Growth Hub and delivered with academic prowess by the University of Plymouth, STRIDE beckons businesses at any stage, from budding concept to commercial realisation, to harness the power of research and innovation. The programme is designed to serve as a lighthouse, guiding companies through the often-murky waters of intellectual property, R&D tax credits and scaling up in the modern age.

Cerys Hartt, Senior Engagement Specialist at the Growth Hub, fervently expressed the urgency of the initiative: “As we embark on this new age of digital evolution, it’s paramount that our local businesses are equipped with the right tools, knowledge, and expertise to flourish. STRIDE is more than just a programme; it’s a commitment to the future of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.”

The offering isn’t just theoretical. The partnership with the University of Plymouth provides early-stage businesses with tangible masterclasses and hands-on specialist surgeries. Furthermore, those at the zenith of innovation can tap into the vast reservoir of tools and insights championed by the university’s esteemed faculty and state-of-the-art facilities.

Speaking on the program’s potential impact, Louis Gardner, Cornwall Council portfolio holder for economy, noted, “Our mission has always been to foster a thriving business community. STRIDE reaffirms this commitment by providing the precise, tailored support our businesses need to evolve and excel. We envisage a Cornwall replete with opportunities, well-paying jobs and a robust economy. STRIDE is a leap in that direction.”

Coupled with the recent £5m RD&I grant funding from the Growth Hub, businesses have a dual arsenal to propel their aspirations. The University of Plymouth, commissioned by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, anchors the STRIDE initiative as part of their broader mission to cultivate a resilient, inclusive, and prosperous regional economy.

To explore the myriad of opportunities awaiting local businesses, visit the Growth Hub’s official page on Research, Development & Innovation here.

For those ready to set their sights on tomorrow, the future starts with a single STRIDE.

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