Don’t miss out on grant funding to support enterprises that have the ambition and capacity to grow and
improve their productivity and competitiveness.
The Growth Hub Business Grant scheme is now live on their website and funding focuses on activity that
will stimulate innovation, support the development of high-quality, well-paid employment, and contribute
to Cornwall and Isles of Scilly’s net zero aspirations.
Grants start from £20,000 and applicants must provide match funding and demonstrate strong value for
money in terms of economic impact or innovation.
Applications can be submitted now and the Scheme will be live until 5pm on Thursday 27th February.
For more details on this funding visit the Growth Hub website
To find out more about the grant scheme and application process, Growth Hub is hosting a series of
Business Grant Webinars. Book your place now and even if you can’t attend live, you will receive a
recording of the session.
Click Here to Book