Tech Cornwall


Enter the Tech South West Awards

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The deadline for entries to the Tech South West Awards has been extended – you now have until Wednesday 31 July to get those awesome entries in!

The Tech South West award team have put together some great advice to help you with your entry, check out more details from them below.

Award entry top tips

Here are 3 top tips to make your entry effortlessly stand out from the crowd

  1. Evidence, evidence, evidence. We know you’re doing amazing things, but the judges want hard data. Back up your entry with stats and – boom! – you’re already in the top 30% of entries.
  2. Explain clearly what you do. Don’t assume the judges know your work already – tell them, in simple terms, what your tech does and the difference it makes. It sounds obvious but that’s enough to get to the top 15%. 
  3. Tell a story. We all love great tech. But you know what the judges love? Tech that makes a difference. Tell them a story about the impact your tech is having on the world and kazunga! Your entry just shot to the top of the pile. 

Want a little more spice to make your entry even better? We asked our team for the little things that make a difference:

Joe: “Be concise. It’s tempting to throw in the kitchen sink but, trust us, less really is more. Leave the waffling to the breakfast table.”

Sammy: “Use headings! Ain’t no judge alive wants to read a 400 word paragraph with no breaks. Chunk it up.”

Dan: “Fancy adjectives will get you nowhere. You might think your tech is groundbreaking, but our judges need the evidence to decide for themselves.” 

Ready? Let’s go!

Enter for free at

The categories 

There are 25 categories to choose from, including:

Best Startup

Disruptive startups are the fuel to the tech sector’s engine. If you company is less than three years old since incorporation, let’s shine a light on your success.

Supporting the Sector

For the organisations that help the sector to thrive – including tech hubs, professional services, accelerators, science parks and investors. You’re the grease that keeps the tech cogs turning, and we think that’s worth celebrating.

Women in Tech

This one celebrates the women and girls doing great things in the sector. Enough said.


There is no Planet B. This one is for the companies using technology to look after the one we’ve got. 

Commitment to Talent

An award for the teams supporting the development of tech talent in the region. 


If you’re not moving forwards, you’re standing still. Let’s celebrate the companies pushing the sector forward with new ideas.

Best Application of AI

For the companies using Artificial Intelligence to enact positive change in the world.

Commitment to Diversity

This one’s for the companies going the extra mile to ensure people from all walks of life, experiences and backgrounds have access to great opportunities in the tech sector.

Space & Aviation

Satellites, earth observation, space navigation and flight… for the companies reaching for the skies with great technology.

Other categories include MarineTech, Tech Leadership, Workplace Culture, HealthTech, CreaTech and more.

Judging takes place during the summer, with shortlists announced shortly afterwards. The winners will be revealed at a glistening ceremony in November – venue to be revealed!  Hopefully we’ll see you there!

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