Tech Cornwall



06 December at the FibreHub, Pool and online
9.30am arrival. 10am start – 1pm finish – Lunch and refreshments included.
Facilitated by Digital Innovator Helen Jones

We all have process in our lives. Whether that’s following a sequence of tasks to get a job done, or ones
that are simply created from repetition and frequency – and our businesses are just the same!
Every business runs according to processes. This may be a sales or administration process, or even how
you run a team.
Whilst these processes are at the core of your operations, and seem to work day-to-day, chances are,
you may not have a clear picture of how all these different processes combine to meet the daily and
future growth potential of your business.
When you lift the bonnet, is your business really the well-oiled machine you think it is?
Taking a step back to look at the big picture can feel daunting at times, so Unlocking Potential’s practical
hands-on Digital Transformation workshop facilitated by Digital Innovator Helen Jones, will break-down
the ‘process’ of process improvement into bitesize, manageable chunks.
After an introduction to the theory, the workshop will breakout into a practical session where you can start
to consider your own process mapping needs, and practice processing mapping with the help of the
Digital Transformation team.

> Why processes are important
> Do you need to process map?
> The importance of involving your team and how to engage them
> A guide to simple process mapping
> Process mapping tools
> Different types of process mapping and when to use them

You’ll understand the need for and principles of process mapping, have had a go whilst you are in the
room, and take away some ideas of how to engage your team and make your business run more

This event is free to attend as it is fully funded by the European Regional Development Fun.

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