Unlearning Workshop: Shifting Organisational and Team Culture 10 July 2019 - Tech Cornwall

Course dates, price and availability will be determined based on volume of interest.

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Course Content

The Digital Academy (Cornwall College) in Partnership with Software Cornwall and Agile on the Beach are excited to announce Jessie Shternshus (a keynote speaker for Agile on the Beach) will be delivering a workshop on Unlearning through Improv on the 10th July at Falmouth University Campus as part of the Developing Skills for Business project.

The Improv Effect helps businesses reach their full potential by means of interpersonal-communication skills training.  Since 2007, they have been a driving force in transforming the internal cultures of companies around the world, including Netflix, Transferwise, Macy’s, Getty Images, Capital One, and many more.

In this interactive talk, Jessie will share learnings and unlearnings from her own career, stories from some of the companies she has worked with, and techniques she teaches in order to make breakthroughs and forge ahead.

To find out more about Jessie and her company visit https://improveffect.com/about-us/


Unlearning Workshop: Shifting Organisational and Team Culture


We are constantly challenged by the need to change in order to remain competitive. Individuals must shift their habits, teams have to adjust their behaviors, and organizations must update their mindsets. As our access to knowledge becomes easier, it is also getting obsolete at a faster pace. It becomes apparent that in order to learn something new, we need to first get rid of – or, unlearn – something old; and the best way to make shifts is through interactive learning.



Through a series of experiential exercises and techniques, you will learn to:

  • Assess the obstacles to agility
  • Challenge the status quo
  • Build a culture of collaboration and experimentation
  • Reframe problems
  • Uncover assumptions
  • Strengthen the capacity to manage uncertainty
  • Adapt to change



Anyone can benefit from learning to unlearn. This workshop caters to engineers, marketers, heads of HR and R&D, managers, product owners, c-suites (CEO, CTO, CIO…), designers, agile coaches, and anyone who feels stuck with the need for change.


HANDS-ON FUN (“The How”)

We will uncover obstacles and unlearn conventional ways-of-thinking in order to make room for new breakthroughs. We will use design thinking, visual thinking,
and applied improvisation. This workshop is an interactive, fun, and non-judgmental experience like no other!


We have 25 spaces available. Ticket cost £150 per person.


The workshop will be held on Falmouth University Tremough Campus in the AMATA Performance Centre in Penryn, near Falmouth.  Attendees to arrive at 8.30 for a 9.00 start and will finish at 1.00 with a short break in the middle. Refreshments will be provided.


Book Now https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/jessie-shternshus-improv-effect-workshop-tickets-62132068690?aff=ebdssbdestsearch


The ‘Developing Skills for Business’ project is part funded by the European Social Fund until April 2020. This project seeks to actively engage employers in the co-design, development and piloting of training and apprenticeships to enhance the relevance of skills provision for local businesses across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.


Register Your Interest

Course dates, price and availability will be determined based on volume of interest.

Register Your Interest