UK Industrial Strategy - Tech Cornwall

The UK Industrial Strategy was launched one year ago and there are a number of businesses in the South West innovating & creating jobs across our region. We’re featuring two of our members listed on the strategy at the link:

Goonhilly Earth Station
Working alongside the European Space Agency (ESA), Goonhilly Earth Station, on the Lizard Peninsula is upgrading one of its largest antennas for use by private space exploration companies and space agencies (e.g., ESA, NASA) for deep-space communications on missions to the Moon and Mars. It is making a significant contribution to the UK and Europe’s efforts in global space exploration and bringing jobs and investments to Cornwall.

Cornish tech experts Hertzian use machine learning and artificial intelligence to revolutionise the way businesses understand, and work with, written customer feedback. Through the use of Hertzian’s technology, trends in data can be identified quicker and easier than ever before.

This analysis includes highly-trained sentiment analysis, returning not only whether a statement is positive, negative or neutral, but also the severity of the sentiment. This allows businesses to track changes and impact over the lifetime of a product or service. The platform also allows for detection of themes and topics consistently being discussed and provides the ability to delve deep into the results to provide a comprehensive analysis of customer needs.

To be able to provide powerful, accurate and relevant results, the company has trained its own Machine Learning technology on more than 60 million individual pieces of feedback from a diverse set of industries.

With Hertzian’s platform, companies are able to evaluate their feedback in seconds, identify consistent trends damaging its performance and identify the areas that could not only reduce savings, but also help boost sales.