Cornwall Tech Community awaits growth news. Tech Nation Report 2018 to be released Thursday - Tech Destination Cornwall - Tech Cornwall

Cornwalls Tech community along with other UK tech businesses are looking forward to the release of the Tech Nation 2018 report this Thursday 17th May that will report the growth of the UK tech sector over the past year.

It is anticipated that we will see the sectors continued growth beyond the £123million turnover reported in 2017’s Tech Nation UK Report

Data collated as part of last years Tech Nation 2017 reported turnover and GVA in the 6 key Travel to work areas in Cornwall totalling £123 million combined turnover and £107 Million in GVA (Business Gross Value Added)

Cornwall delivers on being an ideal location for tech businesses in the UK, known for its engineering revolutions, sunny climate, sandy beaches, and low cost lifestyle, Cornwall provides the ideal ecosystem and creative space for digitaltech teams to flourish.


Last year Truro and Redruth were featured as the 3rd fastest growing cluster in terms of employment and recruitment growth in the UK Tech Nation Report, and in 2016 it was featured as the 2nd fastest business growth cluster with 127% growth in GVA (Gross Value Added).

More recently BBC Spotlight reported the generation of high-tech start-ups in Cornwall has seen a 3 fold increase in the past year, with start-ups created rising from 14 in 2016 to 46 in 2017.  read more and watch the story on spotlight

The Tech Nation UK Report for 2018 will be released on Thursday 17th May

To Celebrate Cornwall’s continued success as a growing tech sector Software Cornwall in collaboration with Goonhilly Earth Station are hosting a Cornwall Tech Connect event on 31st May at Goonhilly.  The event, fully booked, has a host of speakers sharing stories and insights from across the sector. Tech Nation UK are attending with their Director of Marketing delivering the opening keynote for the afternoon.   Find out more about the event

During May Software Cornwall are encouraging members and the wider community to join a collective ‘Tech Destination Cornwall campaign that will highlight the tech community here locally during the Tech Nation national campaign.   The campaign kicked off with Cornwall featured on BBC Radio 4 as a top global destination for Digital Nomads.   Everyone involved with Cornwalls Tech Community are invited to post news directly to the website to share with the community via during the campaign and share news with the hashtag #technation and #techcornwall through social media.

The Cornwall Tech Nation event and campaign have been made possible through the collaboration of Software Cornwall and Goonhilly Earth Station, along with sponsorship support from CIoS LEP, Aerospace Cornwall & SWCoE Satellite Applications, and  the work of our volunteers and members.

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