Tide Driven Development at Agile on the Beach with Software Cornwall

Tide Driven Development –  Cornwalls Tech Community

Team Software Cornwall attending Agile on the Beach 2017 on 6&7th July.  We will be giving a lunchtime talk on Thursday : Tide Driven Development, to share with our local community, national and international visitors to the what’s been happening in our community and our year ahead.

We are pleased to be promoting and supporting our community at Agile on the Beach this year.  We will have a large Software Cornwall stand with our robots, member materials, new stickers and a special surprise gift for guests, members and friends attending.  Come and say hello and help us fly the Software Cornwall flag at Agile on the beach!

Tide Driven Development


Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work and live Agile on the Beach every day, and how you could be a part of it?

Cornwall’s Tech sector is causing waves with its thriving and connected tech community! Ranked the 3rd fastest growing cluster in the UK for jobs growth this year (TechNation 2017) the county continues its surge of growth and development.
Want to know what we are doing to cause this growth? Then don’t miss this session. Join Belinda and the Software Cornwall team to find out what’s been happening in the Cornish tech community this year.

Local members speaking at the beach this year include:

Belinda Waldock – Software Cornwall – Tide Driven Development
Paul Massey – Bluefruit
Lyssa Fee Crump – Headforwards (also running the agile quiz on weds night!)
Dave Longman – Headforwards
Craig Girvan – Headforwards
Claire Eason-Bassett Mackerel Sky Events
Belinda Waldock – Being Agile – Retrospective Sailing

Members sponsoring the event include Cornwall College, Crypto Fintech, Headforwards, Radix Communications, LumiraDX, Being Agile, RoweIT, Matt Hollands Design and Pixcell.  Members attending include Crowdfunder, Bluefruit, Differnet,  Hotel Perfect.  With local organisations H Tempest, Invest in Cornwall,Land Registry, Plymouth University, Unlocking Potential and others also attending.

Other local speakers include Jowanna Conboye & Tom Moore from Stephens & Scown, and Christopher Hunt – Loving Grace who will also be displaying Grace on the Software Cornwall stand.

75% of speakers come from outside of Cornwall, and over 50% of delegates so its a great opportunity for us to share our tech community with national and international organisations, teams and talent.  We are also delighted to have helped TechCity to attend the conference this year to experience what it is that has put us on their Tech Nation map for a second year running!

Find out more at www.agileonthebeach.co.uk

Not attending?  Visit www.agileonthebeach.COM and search the archive of agile content and materials including video, slides & blogs from previous years.

Tide Driven Development at Agile on the Beach

Sold out with 400 Attending. Welcoming 50 local, national and international speakers to Cornwall, including guests from the USA, Russia, Israel and the Netherlands

The seventh Agile on the Beach conference will be held on 6-7 July 2017 in Falmouth, Cornwall, UK Agile on the Beach is an annual two day agile technology and agile business conference. The conference welcomes 400 speakers, sponsors and delegates to the Cornish coast, with a fantastic beach party inbetween. The event hosts 50 local, national and international speakers to share and explore key themes Agile Software, Business, Teams, Practices Product Design and Management hosting over 50 sessions.

Next Year 2018 : If you would like to ensure your place at 2018 please register for our email news or follow us on twitter @agileonthebeach to be informed when 2018 (next years) tickets are released http://eepurl.com/qMmvT

Find out more about Tide Driven Development at www.agileonthebeach.co.uk