Duesday partners with HP and Bluestar Mexico to launch pioneering retail solution - Tech Cornwall

In a world-first, payment provider Duesday partners with HP and Bluestar to launch integrated payments on the all-new HP Engage One Prime, the versatile digital till platform taking the point of sale (POS) market by storm.

The launch event took place at the Hacienda de Los Morales in Mexico City and showcased Duesday’s revolutionary payment platform for service providers with recurring bills, top-ups and back-end integrations.

Together with Mexican Retail Expert MoneyMatic, Duesday delivered its new QR-based payments and loyalty platform on the HP Engage One Prime fully integrated with MoneyMatic’s new till management software: POSMatic.

Led by founding directors Esteban Díaz Asúa and Marcus Kern, Duesday, is a new type of integrated payment provider with a two-sided platform approach, delivering a high-end shopkeeper experience on one side and curating strong consumer loyalty on the other.

Bringing together, Duesday’s revolutionary billing platform, HP’s touch-screen hardware and POSMatic’s reliable digital till technology means shopkeepers and consumers both enjoy genuinely simplified shopping experiences. The Integration with POSMatic brings modular real-time stock management, integrated loyalty solutions and alternative payments methods to the shop counter.

Duesday is also one of the first FinTech’s to integrate with Mexico’s new OpenBanking payment initiative, CoDi, continuing Duesday’s rapid growth across the Americas.