Buzz wins Best SME at the Transport for London Supplier Awards - Tech Cornwall

On 16 November 2017, Buzz Interactive became the proud winners of the Best SME award in the inaugural ceremony held at the London Transport Museum, to honour suppliers to Transport for London (TfL). In presenting the prize TfL said “This is a clear example of a small company in the UK really bringing innovation to life and ensuring companies like TfL gain the benefits from these”.

The team at Buzz has delivered two Virtual Reality training products for TfL over the last 18 months and are delighted to have been recognised in this way.

Technical Director at Buzz, Paul Axten said “We are honoured to have won. As an SME, recognition like this is truly appreciated by the whole team, particularly the individuals who put in the time and effort building something so new and innovative. For TfL to embrace these technologies, and choose a company like Buzz to deliver such a forward thinking project, is a really encouraging prospect for the future of the UK. We are proud to have been able to assist, and prouder still to have been awarded this recognition.”