Work Experience - 9th-13th July 2018 - Tech Cornwall


We are currently at full capacity for the Work Experience week. You can still add your details to our wait list below, or apply for one of our other Work Experience weeks in April and October.


School Work Experience 9th-13th July 2018

Software Cornwall members are hosting and supporting their annual work experience project week from 9th – 13th July 2018.

This work experience week will see up to 40 students work for a week as a software engineering team on a software development project alongside industry professionals. The week is organised so the students can gain real experience in software development and delivery in a working environment.

Read all the information below, and if you would like to be considered for a work experience placement at Software Cornwall, please complete the online application form.

Applications are now closed

We are only able to offer one week of work experience per year – this will be from 9th-13th July 2018. It will be held at Heartlands, Pool. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer other dates or locations. If your school work experience week is an alternative week, please speak to your teacher as you may be able to change your dates to be able to attend.

You will be notified by the end of February as to whether your application was successful or not, with later applications notified on a rolling basis. Please ensure the email address you put on the form is correct, as we will use this to contact you.

Name of Contact for Work Experience
Tony Edwards
Software Cornwall,
C/O Bluefruit Software,
Gateway Business Centre,
TR15 1SP
[email protected]

About Software Cornwall

Software Cornwall is an open and collaborative group of Software Development enterprises, education providers and business support organisations based in Cornwall working together to grow the software engineering sector in Cornwall.  Software Cornwall Ltd is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

A key objective of Software Cornwall is to support young people into careers in software engineering.
Recently members have been delighted, but overwhelmed by requests for work experience.  Due to the nature of the industry, it is difficult to provide an engaging and hands-on experience placement for students meaning places are in short supply.

To solve this problem companies have decided to collaborate and volunteer their time and developers to help run a work experience week for students that will give you a practical and fun experience of working as a software engineer building digital products and solutions.

Your Experience

As part of the Software Cornwall experience, you will work on a project with other students with a software expert as your mentor.  You will learn how to create and deliver a software product as part of a development team during the week.

For the experience, your group will take the form of an exciting new startup that has won a contract to deliver a software-driven product.  In teams with your mentor, you will work on a number of challenges in order to fulfill the contract.  You will learn how to identify, code, test and deliver your solution.

On the final day, you will have the opportunity to present your work to local employers and developers, and talk to them more about their businesses, jobs, and career opportunities as well as getting advice on the best pathway to working in the software sector in Cornwall.

The work experience week is supported by the members of Software Cornwall including;

Bluefruit – Embedded Software Specialists

Software Engineer JobFrom creating embedded software for products like electric bikes to water purifiers, or producing professional data logging and performance analysis solutions for motorsport and sailing applications, the Bluefruit team build quality software solutions.

A member of the Bluefruit development team will be a volunteer mentor at the work experience week, and they are also hosting the experience in their offices at Barncoose in Redruth.

Cornwall College

logo-ccThe college has a strong software development team to create and manage its internal and online systems, as well as providing skills and training in computer science.

Tony Edwards will be the lead mentor for the week, who works in Education Outreach for Software Cornwall as well as working for Cornwall College. Tony has his own software startup, event business and is a keen coder.

Job Description

Job Title: Software Engineer
Hours: Monday 9th July  – Friday 13th July 2018. 0900 – 1630
Main Function:  A unique opportunity to be part of an exciting new start up company that has won a contract to deliver a software driven product.

As part of our development team, you will help to deliver the solution and overcome challenges in order to fulfil this new contract.

You will learn how to identify, code and test your solution as part of your role.

Please be aware this business has been made up for the Software Cornwall experience and is entirely fictional.

Person Specification

Personal  Qualities & Attitudes    

  • Must be a good time-keeper.
  • Smart appearance. Dress code is smart casual clothing.
  • Good communication skills and friendly manner.
  • Enthusiastic approach to learning.
  • The ability to comply with instruction and follow set systems.
  • The ability to work with others and independently.
  • The ability to be flexible and adaptable in dealing with different tasks.


Special Knowledge & Skills

  • An interest in Computer Science and Software Engineering.
  • Knowledge of coding would be an advantage but is not essential.


General Information

Travel: You will be expected to get yourself to and from Software Cornwall every day.
Heartlands, Robinson’s Shaft, Dudnance Lane, Pool TR15 3QY

Dress:  The dress code is smart/casual

Arrival: You should arrive for work on time each day and use the bell to ring Bluefruit reception to access the offices and then report to their reception to let them know you have arrived.

Induction including Health and Safety:  On your first day, you will be given a health and safety briefing, including emergency procedures, before you begin any work.  You will be shown around the premises and introduced to the staff.  Before your placement begins, you will be given the name of your link person and if at any point during the week you are late or ill, please contact this person as soon as possible.

Lunch:  One hour (time to be agreed: normally 12.30pm until 1.30pm, although lunchtimes may vary due to your work programme on a given day).  You will be required to bring a packed lunch or alternatively, you can purchase your lunch from the café on site which serves sandwiches, snacks, and drinks.

Programme for the Week: Your individual programme for the week will be given to you on your first day.

Working with different members of staff/mentors:  During the week, you will have a chance of working alongside our mentors and have the opportunity to carry out different tasks and duties that they will advise and support you to complete.  These tasks and duties are all subject to change and the mentors may vary from day to day.  We hope that you will be flexible in your approach to your work experience!

Please complete your application using the form below:

If you are unable to complete your application online you may email or post your application to:

Tony Edwards
Software Cornwall – Work Experience Application
Bluefruit Software,
Gateway Business Centre,
TR15 1SP

[email protected]