Perspective: Mission to Mars event by Ben Cole, Game Changer Participant - Tech Cornwall

We are delighted to share this Medium post by Ben from his recent experience on our Mission to Mars programme, thanks for a great post Ben!

Perspective: Mission to Mars event

From the 5th-9th February 2018

by Ben Cole

In February, I was invited along by Software Cornwall once again, to participate in the Mission to Mars work experience event, for the second time.

The concept is really fun, and the outcome, even better. You take a hoard of enthusiastic technology students, from around the county, or in this case; Penwith College (plus two from the Game Changer project)and get them to form startup ‘companies’ and get them to compete for a contract to develop Software for Mars Rover Robots, in the offices at Bluefruit Software.

The process starts off by getting to know… Read Bens full perspective here on Medium