Education Crowdfund Target Reached - 1 Day Left To Pledge - Tech Cornwall


We did it, we reached our Education Crowdfund target.  We would like to say a massive thank you to all of you that pledged, shared and talked about it. We really couldn’t of done this without the help from local businesses and the community.  Our Education team can now continue their role out in the community and Schools showcasing what Cornwall has to offer in the Tech Sector and just how quickly the sector is growing.

There is still just over 24 hours to pledge to our crowdfund.

 To find out more and to pledge your support visit.  

We would like to say a massive thank you to the following who have already pledged to our campaign which is currently up to £15180.  It is thanks to you all that we were able to reach this.

With huge cutbacks to funding this year, Software Cornwall are reaching out to the community to help them to reach the total needed to continue their programme during 2019.  The crowdfund will help meet the target to provide the remaining £15,000 needed to fund the delivery of their Education Programme alongside contributions from Software Cornwall and Cornwall College and funding from the Careers Enterprise Company.  

The campaign welcomes organisations and individuals to help us meet our target by the deadline of 21st March. Pledges include opportunities to sponsor local Schools and the popular Mission to Mars work experience weeks.     We would love to expand this offering to primary schools too in which reaching our goal will enable us to do.

Over the past 18 months the award winning programme has visited every secondary school in the county engaging with over 13,000 students to raise awareness of pathways and career opportunities in the local tech community, and providing hands-on experience of software creation.  

Over 100 students have attended Mission to Mars work experience weeks where participants learn to code Mars Rovers to navigate martian terrain.  Hundreds of students have participated in hands on workshops held across Schools, Scout and Guides groups, and hundreds more attending monthly Tech Jams hosted around Cornwall, with many now regular attendees.

We have various reward packages available for sponsors.