Eden Work Experience Week - February Half Term - Tech Cornwall

15 February 2016, 09:0019 February 2016, 16:30

February Work Experience Week at Eden – Half Term

Software Cornwall and Cornwall College are collaborating with the Eden Project to create a system of sensors to monitor the Biomes and produce interesting data visualisations for visitors.
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Eden Project – Tech Work Experience Week

15 February 2016, 09:0019 February 2016, 16:30

Software Cornwall and Cornwall College are collaborating with the Eden Project to create a system of sensors to monitor the Biomes and produce interesting data visualisations for visitors.

This week will lay the foundations for the project, there will be 5 teams of 4 working on various parts of the system. We expect have teams will the following focuses:

2 x Sensor teams – working on gathering data such as temperature, humidity, footfall and sending the data to a central hub. The team will make use of a microprocessor called at ESP8266, this has built in wifi capabilities and enables us to build an array of sensors. The microprocessor uses the ardunino IDE for programming in a arduino C.

2 x Data Visualisation teams – working on techniques to show the water lifecycle in the biomes and the data from the other sensors. It’s anticipated this will connect to Smart TVs, using their API, and use web-based approaches including JQuery, Bootstrap, etc.

1 x Central Hub team – working on the technology that will collect data from the sensors. Using Internet of Things #iot techniques such as queuing systems and appropriate data storage methods to manage the quantities of data.

All teams will be working with Linux on Raspberry Pis, we will be based at the Eden project with working hours of 9 am til 4.30pm. Each team is expected to have a mentor from the Cornish Software Industry who will help with developing the system.

You don’t need experience in particular languages to join any of the teams, an aptitude to learn and solve problems, together with a general understanding of coding will be sufficient. If you have a preference to be part of a team please indicate on the application form, although we can’t guaruntee you will end up in that team.