Funding Opportunities for Businesses using Satellite Data - Tech Cornwall

The Satellite Applications Catapult along with UKSA, Innovate UK supports two business ideas competitions using satellite technology and data that offer cash prizes or business support packages. At a regional level, the SW Centre of Excellence is looking to engage with local businesses using satellite data that may benefit from applying and will seek support from the Catapult in making an application. Please find details of the two competitions below and please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you’re interested.


Looking for new business ideas in the application of satellite positioning and navigation technology across any sector. Entry is via the geographic region most relevant to your business. You can be at any stage in your business development from an early-stage idea, a working prototype or a market-ready product or service.

Opens: 1 May 2018
Closes: 31 July 2018


The Copernicus Masters looks for new ideas using Earth Observation data. The competition is structured around a series of Challenges and in 2018 we are supporting a Data Visualisation Challenge. Judges are looking for new solutions that apply data visualisation tools to Copernicus, and other EO data. Solutions should visualise data in a way that offers an interactive and user-friendly experience for customers. There are 9 different Challenges in the Copernicus Masters this year – both Planet and Airbus have joined the competition in 2018. The Catapult’s Challenge prize is a business support package and we hope to add to this package over the coming weeks. Entry is by completing a form online at

Opens: 1 April 2018
Closes: 30 June 2018

The Satellite Applications Catapult is providing information sessions on the competition, where people can find out more about the application process, what judges are looking for, hints and tips on completing the entry form and a couple of inspirational case studies on previous successful entrants.

For further information contact: [email protected]