Tech Connect - March 14th 2019 - Sponsored by Aerospace Cornwall - Tech Cornwall

We are pleased to invite you to join us for a day of skills building, tech talks, discussions & networking. We’ll be hosted in the Chy an Bobel Hall at Heartlands, the World Heritage site in Pool.


During the event, you’ll get to see talks from the counties burgeoning digital industries, help shape our professional development offerings and take part in workshop sessions. As always, there will be plenty of opportunities to connect with the counties thriving tech community at the home of Cornwall’s engineering heritage.

Sponsored by AeroSpace Cornwall, the upcoming Tech Connect event will have an Aerospace theme running throughout it, supported by sessions designed to educate, inspire and help develop your business as well as your companies skill set.


We still have a small number of lightning and 25 minute talk slots available. Get in touch today

Thursday, March 14th

Talk – Creating games with Unity and Kinect – Barney Nicholls, Headforwards

Unity is an industry standard tool for creating games which allows developers to create immersive games with relatively little effort. In this talk, Barney will show you how you can prototype motion controlled games using the unity ecosystem and the Microsoft Kinect.

Workshop – Mission to Mars Rover Hack – Robert Wiltshire, Software Cornwall

Join Robert Wiltshire, the Software Cornwall Schools Outreach lead, for a hack our Mars Rovers. Come and show off your dev skills and help us design new challenges for our Mission to Mars.

Talk – Introducing Software Cornwall’s Continued Professional Development offer – Nathan Jeffery

As part of Software Cornwall’s Developing Skills for Business program, Nathan Jeffery introduces the continued professional development programme, leading into a needs analysis later in the day.

Workshop – Loving Grace: Creating Algorithmic Art with Real World Data – Chris Hunt, Controlled Frenzy

Loving Grace is an immersive art installation which takes the viewers voice and turns it into algorithmic ghosts. During this workshop, you’ll get to work with Chris to modify the inputs to incorporate data from the physical world around.

Talk – Voice UI integration in Immersive Virtual Worlds – Josh King, Hi9

Following years of research into the integration of Voice User Interfaces (VUI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) within immersive environments, Josh showcases some of the best uses he’s seen during his time at Falmouth Games Academy.

Find out how VUIs are set to shape the next generation of Virtual Reality experiences, including films and games.

Talk – Unstructured Data at Scale – Rob Sanders, Glas Data

Glas Data are an agritech data aggregation company that use unstructured data at a huge scale. Rob will take people through the steps taken as Glas look to solve the problem of collating and analysing hundreds of data sources from farms around the country, as well as highlight some of the challenges faced to date.

Workshop – Skills Sharing Discussion – EPIC Ehealth

The EPIC eHealth project is a three year collaborative project to improve the use of technology in health and social care in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Since the program start, EPIC have supported a wide range of project ideas, from feasibility stage through to bringing ideas to the market.

Currently, EPIC are looking for software developers, app creators, UI designers and video game creators to buddy up with existing, funded projects to help bring the next batch of eHealth innovations to market. Could you be the missing link?

Talk – Preparing for a Natural Disaster Using Bots – Nick Schwaderer, OceansHQ

“On December 6, 2018, over 30 million people in the United Kingdom lost mobile data on their phones. From a developer’s perspective this means the ‘death’ of any mobile-accessed applications. For a person this means a critical, and possibly dangerous, cutting off from the world. In the event of a natural disaster the consequences would be much larger.

SMS-based apps are immune to loss of mobile data.

We will look at several examples of bot-based Ruby applications, and how modern software development can supply information when mobile data is down. This will start with everyday bot examples and conclude with the actual natural-disaster example.

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Event Sponsors

Aerospace Cornwall

Aerospace Cornwall is helping large businesses in the UK and beyond to capitalise on the potential of the aerospace and space sectors in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Cornwall’s role in the world’s second largest space and aerospace cluster is gaining momentum. It’s the perfect time for large enterprises to explore what Cornwall has to offer; to collaborate and create opportunities within the county.

Throughout the day you’ll discover some of the projects that Aerospace Cornwall have supported, find out how your business can get a £5,000 grant to explore an idea and spark your imagination around this burgeoning sector in the South West.


Digital Academy Cornwall is a partnership between Software Cornwall and Cornwall College with the aim of expanding the counties talent pipeline.

Through a range of industry-led courses, apprenticeships and continues professional development offer, it is set to develop the current and future tech workforce needed to support the continued growth of Cornwall’s digital industry.


Tech Connect Sponsorship
Software Cornwall is an independent organisation – membership and sponsorship helps to fund Tech Connect and other events. Sponsors help us to make our events accessible to a larger audience and fund add on features. If you would like to support Tech Connect please get in touch and email [email protected]