Tech Community Connect Event, Goonhilly Earth Station, 31 May, 12-5pm - Tech Cornwall

POST Event update – you can find links to videos, photos and slides from the day here

We are pleased to confirm our next Software Cornwall Community Tech Connect event to be held on 31st May 2018 at Goonhilly Earth Station.

Hosted by Software Cornwall & Goonhilly Earth Station

Sponsored by AeroSpace Cornwall, SWCoESA & CIOS LEP

Keynote – Henri Egle Sorotos – Senior Insights Manager, Tech Nation

An afternoon at Goonhilly with lunch, talks, discussions and networking.

On the 31st May Software Cornwall in partnership with Goonhilly Earth Station, and inline with the release of the 2018 UK Tech Nation report will host the fourth Tech Connect event for Cornwall’s Tech Community.   Our Tech Connect events enable our community to connect and share their skills and knowledge, explore future opportunities for the sector and celebrate successes.

The event will welcome 200 attendees, doubling the size of our previous event in February.  We will be celebrating the growth of the tech sector in Cornwall and its recognition in the UK Tech Nation Report for the 3rd consecutive year as a high growth digital-tech cluster in the UK.

As it’s half term we will also be running a tech jam on the day for our future tech generation, tickets are booked separately and under 16’s must be accompanied at the jam by an adult.

We will be live streaming our lightning talks, details coming soon.

Live Streaming links

Fully Booked – Please note the main event and tech jam are now fully booked

Download/View Schedule PDF

Tech Jam 12-4pm (Foyer)

We are delighted to confirm that as its half term we will also be running an extra Space Tech Jam at Goonhilly. We will be running 2 sessions, separately to the main event from 12-2pm and 2-4pm, attendees are welcome to book on both. It will be similar to our usual Jams, but of course there will be a spacetech theme! Tickets are available separately via eventbrite and under 16’s must be accompanied by an adult during the Jam.

Find out more about Cornwall Tech Jams at

Tech Connect Schedule & Line up

11:30 -13:00 Entry to site, sign in at the entrance to the Training Wing

12:00-13:00 Lunch with AeroSpace Cornwall – Training Wing

13:00-13:20 Welcome from Software Cornwall, Goonhilly Earth Station (GES) & CIoS LEP

13:20-13:40 Keynote – Henri Egle Sorotos – Senior Insights Manager, Tech Nation

13:40-13:50 – 10 mins to breakout to rooms for lightning talks and discussions

13.50-15:00 6 minute Lightning Talks – Training Wing

  • 13:50-56 – SpaceTech – Goonhilly Earth Station – Ian Jones, CEO
  • 14:00-06 – SpaceTech – AeroSpace Cornwall, Gail Eastaugh
  • 14:10-16 – SpaceTech – SWCoESA
  • 14:20-26 – SpaceTech – Goonhilly Heritage Society, Des Prouse
  • 14:30-36 – Tech Skills – CIoS Skills Hub, Josh Hoole
  • 14:40-46 – EHealth – Smartline – University of Exeter – Darren Stevens
  • 14:50-56 – TechLaw – Foot Anstey – John Catchpole

13:50-15:00 6 minute Lightning Talks – Mission Control

  • 13:50-56 – Tech Nation Case Study : CFT Group, Duesday – Marcus Kern – Founder
  • 14:00-06 – Tech Nation Case Study : Hertzian – AI and Machine Learning – Garry Barter, Founder
  • 14:10-16 – Tech Talk – The Beautiful Marriage of Design Thinking and Agile development, Caitlin Gould, Bluefruit Software
  • 14:20-26 – Tech Startup –, Explosive Hazard Construction Planning, Dan Perkins,Founder
  • 14:30-36 – Tech Startup Wo King – tbc
  • 14:40-46 – Tech Education – Gamechanger Programme, Emma Hamblin
  • 14:50-56 – TechFinance – Francis Clark – Andrew James

14:30 SpaceTech Discussions – Meeting Room

  • Drop in any time through the afternoon and join teams from Goonhilly Earth Station, AeroSpace Cornwall & SWCoESA in the meeting room to talk more about opportunities for growth and collaboration in the SpaceTech sector.

15:00-15:30 Tea & Cake Break – Training Wing

  • Networking and Exhibitions – meet our sponsors and exhibitors and chat to speakers and attendees

15:30-16:30 Exhibitions & Networking continues – Training Wing

  • Networking and Exhibitions – meet our sponsors and exhibitors and chat to speakers and attendees

15:30-16:30 SpaceTech Discussions (continues) – Meeting Room

  • Drop in through the afternoon and join teams from Goonhilly Earth Station, AeroSpace Cornwall & SWCoESA in the meeting room to talk more about opportunities for growth and collaboration in the SpaceTech sector.

15:30-16:30 8 minute Lightning Talks – Mission Control

  • 15:30-38   Fast Good Cheap: pick two! Dan Goodwin, fffunction
  • 15:40-48 – Five words that will ruin your tech marketing, David McGuire – Radix Communications
  • 15:50-58 – 7 ways to improve your agility and productivity – Belinda Waldock,
  • 16:00-08 – Smokey Pi, Rob Edlin, Niddocks
  • 16:10-18 – Give Your Clients More. They Deserve it, Sam Armondi,Everest Media
  • 16:20-28 – How to develop Software Developers – James Bemrose, T&P College & Chris    Weavill,Hertzian

16:30-16:40 Gather for Closing Remarks,Training Wing

16:40-17:00 , Networking & Exhibitions until Close

Sponsors, Exhibitors, Guests & Members attending:

  • AeroSpace Cornwall
  • CIoS LEP
  • SWCoE Satellite Applications
  • Goonhilly Earth Station
  • Cornwall Tech Jam
  • Software Cornwall Gamechanger (Jam)
  • Software Cornwall Education Outreach (Jam)
  • Bluefruit Software
  • Agile on the Beach
  • Francis Clark
  • Foot Anstey
  • Smartline – University of Exeter
  • CIoS Skills Hub
  • Everest Media
  • Being Agile
  • Packetship
  • Buzz Interactive
  • Radix Communications
  • Truro & Penwith College
  • Goonhilly Heritage Society

Software Cornwall Members attending also include:

3D Kernow CIC,, CFT Group, Cornwall College Computer Science, Creation Media, Dewsign, Differnet Digital, Falmouth University, fffunction,
Hertzian, Hi9, Invest in Cornwall, Iteracy, Microtest, Niddocks, PFA Research, Remeody, StepJockey, TouchByte, University of Exeter, Unlocking Potential, Zapp, Zero One Alpha Ltd

Important Event Information for attendees – Please Read

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our Cornwall Tech Connect Event this Thursday 31st May from 12 pm – 5 pm at Goonhilly.

Please find below important information and guidance on your attendance at the event.  Please read this information carefully.

Arrival time: Goonhilly is a private site with gated entry.  Please ensure you arrive between 11:30 am and 13:00 pm to access the site.  The event begins at 12 Noon.  For those attending the 2 pm tech jam please arrive before 2 pm.

Site Entry : Please bring your tickets (and/or ID to show name) to gain entry to the site and confirm your name. This is a ticketed event, the event is fully booked and access to the site will not be given unless you have booked in advance to attend.

Site Access : We are thankful to Goonhilly for hosting this event and ask attendees to respect that it is a private operational site and to not venture beyond the event venue without permission or accompanied by the Goonhilly team.  Please use the Training Wing Entrance to the event directed from the car parking. Parking is available but limied on site so please travel/car share where possible.

Code of Conduct : We ask that delegates and attendees respect others attending the event and behave in a kind and respectful manner at all times.  If you have any concerns please speak directly to a member of the Software Cornwall team.

Accessibility : If you require any support with accessibility please contact Belinda on [email protected]

Lunch: A selection of meat, dairy, vegetable and vegan options will be served, there will also be gluten free options available on request.  Tea, Coffee and soft drinks will be available.

Photography & Live Streaming : The event will be photographed, filmed and live streamed on YouTube.  If you prefer not to be included in media recording please let a member of the team know upon sign in.

Subject to sunshine we are hoping to capture a photo of us all on the day outside with the wonderful goonhilly backdrop, timing to be confirmed on the day!

Social Media : please join us on social media, @swcornwall and @goonhillyorg on twitter, our facebook page and LinkedIn  we will be using the hashtags #WeAreTechNation and #Cornwall on the day.

Data Usage Policy: Personal information including name, email and company will be collected to confirm tickets and bookings for the event.  This data will be used to process and deliver your attendance at the event and keep you informed of updates and details for the day.

Your contact information may be shared with our co-event hosts Goonhilly Earth Station in order to plan and deliver the event, for example a list of names will be provided to the security gate to enable access to the site on the day.

Post event your email will be added to our Software Community Email news list to provide updates about the event, such as links to videos of talks, and further information about our community.  You can unsubscribe to these emails at any time using the unsubscribe feature in the footer of the email. Please see our Privacy Policy for further information on our collection and use of data collected for this event.

Tech Jam – we are also running a separate Space Tech Jam during the afternoon in the foyer for our younger tech enthusiasts to explore Space technology and careers in tech here in Cornwall.  Attendees of the main event are welcome to visit the jam during the afternoon to find out more about regular jams happening regularly around the county.


Map & Venue

Download Schedule of Event and Talks Download/View Schedule PDF

Download PDF Map – Goonhilly map and parking

Room Plan & Guide –



Thanks to our sponsors

AeroSpace Cornwall – Headline sponsor – we are delighted to welcome AeroSpace Cornwall as our tickets, lunch and filming sponsor for this event.

The AeroSpace Cornwall project aims to increase the supply chain cluster in the Space and Aerospace sectors, create highly skilled jobs in Cornwall and launch new products into the marketplace.

AeroSpace Cornwall aims to increase activities in Aerospace, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), and Space including upstream and downstream technologies. This can include, but not exclusive to, advanced engineering, data analysis and software companies.

Activities that will be delivered through the project to achieve this aim include;

  • Match funding for projects with capital purchases and salaries. Typical projects receive a maximum of £150,000
  • Up to 20 days of fully funded supply chain competitiveness support
  • A team of R&D Technology Managers offering mentoring and support for collaborative RD&I projects with 25% – 80% funding and fully funded innovation vouchers (£5,000).

South West Centre of Excellence in Satellite Applications

The South West Centre of Excellence in Satellite Applications acts as a focal point for satellite data, technology and applications activity, linking the science and research base with industry, start-ups and SME’s in the South West. The Centre takes a leading role in driving economic growth through satellite applications and associated innovation engaging the wider end-user community and their supply chains. Partners include: Exeter University, Falmouth University, Plymouth University, Goonhilly Earth Station, Met Office, Rothamstead Research and Peninsula Innovations Limited.

Centre Director: Cathrine Armour

For more information: Email: [email protected]


Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership, We are delighted to have the support of CIOS LEP for the Software Cornwall Tech Destination Cornwall Campaign 2018


During May, Software Cornwall will be leading a collective campaign to raise the profile and promote Cornwall’s Tech community alongside the national Tech Nation UK campaign.  The Tech Connect Cornwall event will complete the Tech Destination Cornwall campaign on the 31st May.  The campaign and event will be run in-line with the Tech Nation UK programme which will be promoting the UK’s DigitalTech sector globally from May to October.

Find out more about how Cornwall has featured in previous Tech Nation reports and our 2018 campaign so far, including being in the top 5 clusters to respond to this years survey!  more…

Hosted by
