Software Cornwall Community Meet Up Notes - Nov 15 - Tech Cornwall

Software Cornwall November 2015 Community Meet up

17th November 3-7pm

Hosted by Bodmin College


Bodmin College & Digigirlz Project Support

Cornwall Tech Week

Software Cornwall Update

Software Cornwall Membership Model 2.0

AOB – Tech Nation, Agile on the Beach, Ethical Hacking Training


November software meet up

Belinda Waldock – Software Cornwall

Mike Trebilcock – Cornwall college – lead for digital skills at college – sits on swc committee for skills, working with schools to help with new computing curriculum, lead for Cornwall Tech Week

Lorraine Bodmin College – head of computer science at Bodmin College, volunteer for computing at schools CAS – (CPD for teachers in computer science), royal academy for engineers to promote STEM – kit from royal academy with drone kits to take to schools to help promote STEM (Science Technology Engineering Maths) subjects

Hugh Nicklin – recently working on CRM migration project, been in business for a long time and keen to get involved with the Software community in Cornwall.  Credits for this evenings photos

Lyssa Fee Crump – marketing manager at head forwards – member of the swc committee supporting marketing including the website, press, member recruitment and events

Barry and Pete from MyMediaLab – web development business with lotss of programming interests, specialising in PHP and Javascript, great supporters of our Mission to Mars and Career Awareness activities

Steve Amor – Programs drone stabilisation systems, 2 million hits on blog – Steve built Bert and Ernie the robots used for Mission to Mars and the Traffic Lights we use to scratch program at careers events, Steve has been a volunteer mentor for last two missions to mars , and leading on the rasp pi jam on the 12 December for Cornwall Tech Week

Byran from Bluefruit – head at dev at Bluefruit– Byran is a key volunteer helping to develop the missions to mars and the summer huddle as well as getting handson as a mentor and trainer at events

Kevin Bath from FloMoCo – Run a software dev house in Newquay, a team of 6 who love php and javascript

Tom – developer – gendall – bookng systems – beyond work like to work with data visualisation and involved with internet of things

Steve – creative ux designer – big eye deers – new office in bude also in cardiff – been in bude for last few months – looking forward to getting involved in the Cornwall Tech community – specialise in ecommerce majento and php

Richard – Director of idocpro – software as a service for internal business comms – app and portal – offices in Cornwall and Frankfurt



IMG_2412Lorraine and Grace from the Digigirlz project gave an update on their Get Outside app and Robotics work at the college.

Digigirlz progressing and engaging with 20 students from Plymouth University to develop the app furtherer as their 2nd year project to be completed in January.  Local business support potentially with Plymouth Students and also to Digigirlz for taking projects forward in January.


Cornwall Tech Week 5-13th December (ish!)

Aim is to have Software events every day during this week to create a buzz about Computing, specifically aimed at helping teachers to adopt the new Computing GCSE and inspiring students into taking it as an option by showing the opportunities in the sector.  Also a week for the community with events and meet ups to help us connect and explore innovative technology and opportunities, and raise the profile of tech in Cornwall

Linked to the global #hourofcode project

Cornwall Tech Week email list subscription here

Be part of tech week – hour of code – if you would like to host an hour of code – let us know – if you are a volunteer doing an hour of code let us know so we can promote your event! [email protected]

Week Before

CAS – Computing at School meeting to connect us with teachers in schools teaching Computing – Loraine to organise and invite teachers – Belinda/MikeT to attend at least


All Week School Assemblies

we want to get into every secondary school before they take GCSE options in January through assembly presentations during Tech week and leading upto January options – 20 minute assembly – give presentation focus on digital sector why interesting and good, Software Cornwall will supply a template presentation that volunteers can use

Volunteers to deliver – 30-40 schools – Looking for volunteers to help with that as choosing GCSEs – and potential Y11 going to college

We will contact schools to ask them for a date we can visit and present to students in their assemblies and promote tech week – once we have responses we will circulate details so we can match events to volunteers –

please email [email protected] if you would like to volunteer or can connect us with  schools


4th Friday – polymer workshop – wo king organising – details to be confirmed – will be added on CDMG as soon as information received

5th Saturday – Eden project Teacher #hourofcode – MikeT organising (can be reached via [email protected])  Teacher CPD (that weekend eden is free for teachers) 3 sessions throughout day – VOLUNTEERS TO HELP NEEDED

1030am , 1pm and 3pm  An hour of code ( pick #hourofcode projects that volunteers then help teachers to do)
15 minutes on the curriculum – for any teacher at any level

7th Monday (or Friday ) Software Cornwall December Community Meet up – venue and date tbc suggestions welcomed – will add to CDMG

8th TuesdayTeacher CPD – Truro College 4.30-6pm – volunteers needed to support Mike T – event to help teachers understand new Computing Curriculum and Software Careers and options

9th Wednesday 9.30-11am  Eden – Lego Education – lego will be coming to Eden to engage with school teachers and play a number of Lego Education games to help them with CPD for the new curriculum and teaching software

10th Thursday 9.30 – tbc – Internet of Things Workshop – Capapult – at an innovation centre Shaun from catapult will give a workshop on the Internet of Things and hopefully an insight into Gov funding and support available for digital innovation.  Venue to be confimed – Tremough Innovation Centre or one of the Innovation Centres has offered to host – details to be confirmed and will be added to CDMG – organiser – Kathryn Woofe

10th Thursday  4.30-6pm – Bodmin College – volunteers needed to support Mike T – event to help teachers understand new Computing Curriculum and Software Careers and options

12th Saturday – Cornwalls first Tech Jam 10-5pm – bodmin college

Steve amor leading

Few pis for people to do programming on and people can come along to find out more about tech

Ask people to bring along projects they’ve been working on

Steve Amor – Hour talk about pi and get them to connect it up and flash an LED / Sonic Pi project?

Kev – Flomoco happy to fund some pi robot kits and host a Come along and build a robot session

Lorraine has some robots that can play with and link to ipad – got 6 of those

We have 20 pis we can use through Software Cornwall / Mike T

Another room showing off things they’ve been making – people can bring along their projects

This is on CDMG as a meet up – suggest conversations on there to progress details



Penrice School Assembly – MikeT and Belinda


****************End Tech Week**********


Ethical Hacking Training – call for a possible expert visit to deliver a workshop training session on raising awareness of how someone would hack a website and how, and what can be done to prevent this and ensure security – will add a suggested meet up and potnetial suggestion of PPP Sebastian Bergmann and Stefan could deliver will be followed up if a number show interest


Tech Nation update

Following the submission of 77 businesses in Cornwall to the tech nation survey we are in direct contact with the team and hope to be featured as a cluster in the forthcoming report.   Belinda is has an interview next week and submitting suggested case studies from location businesses.


New Membership Model

We have now launched v2.0 of our membership model which was very well received  = link to news

Voluntary support for the network has been amazing from the local business community, and we would like to thank everyone for their support, especially the mentors and volunteers for our Mission to Mars and the time of those on the committee to help keep the network operating and developing while we raise revenue.

New membership is vital to keep us going and enable us to operate a viable business model in the future where we can pay those undertaking key roles and help to cover expenses and costs of running the network and its activities.

We now have 30 members including businesses (15), individuals(10) and students (5) and continue to receive great feedback and enquiries for members and services.  Our review and feedback from the community has led us to develop a new membership model for the community.  We are now half way to the annual membership revenue needed to allow us to run Software Cornwall as a core viable network and secure our future as a private not for profit organisation supporting the sector.

We also have a number of collaboration opportunties in the pipeline and are investigating further opportunities through national and local ESF and ERDF funding, including our Learn to Code programme, nothing has been confirmed as yet but we continue to represent and investigate any possible opportunities and are hopefully that funding streams will become accessible to us to access funding that will help to support the network and its activites in the future.

Unfortunately calls and requests for support from existing business support organisations to join Software Cornwall as members or sponsors have been declined or deferred so far, but we are working with them to try and form collaborative working partnerships and alliances and potential for future support has been very positive.

Thank you to everyone for attending this evening – we will add our December meet up date soon which will likely be in Cornwall Tech Week and we will schedule once we have other events confirmed – likely the monday or friday evening that week. Belinda 🙂


Next meet ups

in the meantime the next meet ups are

next week in Bodmin again with the North Cornwall Programmers and Hobbyists


Seb Roses Software Architecture workshop which has a few places still remaining



[email protected]