Community Meet up News October15 - Tech Cornwall

Software Cornwall

Connecting Cornwall’s growing Software Community
October Community meet up

Updates from the community included members sharing their Software Cornwall community updates

and pleased to welcome our invited guests from Falmouth Uni to share updates on activities and future plans

  • 5.30 = Arrive – airbtsuperfast – wifi open
  • 5.45 = Welcome & University Update – AIR
  • 5.50 = Software Cornwall update
  • 6.15 = Software Cornwall – Cornwall tech week update
  • 6.20 = Collaboration – Joint Project – Promoting Cornwall as a digital heartland – Darren
  • 6.25 = Guest Fal Uni – Digital Media – James & Al
  • 6.35 = Guest Fal Uni – Games Academy – Simon
  • 6.45 = Software Cornwall – EU Funding – Toby
  • Questions 10 mins
  • 7pm = Break out groups

Software Cornwall, Tech Week, Digital Media, EU Funding, Games

7.30 = Group Feedback – 5 mins per topic

8pm – Finish / networking

You Tube Channel now active – MVP Videos / Playlist

Belinda – Software Cornwall & Cornwall Tech Week



Cornwall Tech Week

More details on website

Volunteers needed – school assemblies – presentation templates provided by SWC

Events – all ideas welcome #hourofcode, community meet up, hackathon/dev meet ups

Lego coming to speak to teachers at eden


Phil – AIR – thanks to AIR for hosting our October Event

  • Digital Economy
  • Smart Design
  • Pedagogy – process of teaching
  • AIR building – launchpad – start ups in ehealth, games, digital economy
  • Smart Market Towns and Smart Campus – eg Smart Energy
  • Penryn Innovation Park for the future


Branding Cornwall’s digital community Project – Darren Whittington


Creative Advertising and Graphic Design Degree students to work on a brand for cornwalls tech community

Brief for students and working with Software Cornwall to bring business contribution from across the county

Meet up 10th November at Falmouth to meet students and give input from business community

[email protected]

Flipboard magasine to contribute to student resources


Digital Media – James & Al

FIRST BSc available at Falmouth has Software Engineering !

Creative Coding within Degrees – includes Python, Java, Javascript, C#, C++, Agile

Games Academy – Simon & ed

digital games/computing for games

Games academy

Digital Creativity Hub – 4 mil research project – software industry partners wanted



EU funding – Toby

smart specialisations incude digital, ehealth – 125 million across smart specialisations to help drive research and development and innovation

put forward ideas – whats needed on projects

support from software cornwall to help community input



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