Heatmapping Seminar - Tech Cornwall

Attend the UkNetWeb free Heatmapping seminar on Friday 15th Jan to learn how to optimize your websites usability and conversion rate.

You can book your place online at Eventbrite, but be quick! Spaces are limited.

Your website is, arguably, your most valuable marketing asset. It is most likely that you have spent a lot of time and resources creating a digital presence that represents your brand and its associated services and products.

The only issue is, how do you tell whether or not your potential customers are fully engaging with your content or what routes they are taking to buy your products?
Can you make your site easier for them to navigate?
Are there dead spots or dead pages on your site?

Traditional tools such as google analytics perform well in providing a huge array of metrics about page visits, bounce rates, conversion rates etc. However it does not provide an easy to interpret visual user analysis.

Website heatmapping is a useful tool for identifying weak spots in your website, its design, function and usability.

Heatmaps show where visitors click their cursor on desktop devices and where visitors tap their finger on mobile and tablet devices.
The more clicks or taps in an area the more the colour around that area changes as if looking through a thermal imaging camera.

Our brains are more able to identify with this colour overlay than seeing the page overlaid with metrics such as percentage clicks or page visits.

We can quickly interpret such issues as whether visitors:

  • Click on elements that aren’t links
  • Are being distracted from clicking on calls to action
  • May be looking for information that is missing from your site
  • Realise there is more content further down the page
  • Are being provided with the best experience on all devices; desktop, tablet, mobile

To fully optimise your users experience and engagement, therefore boosting product sales and other forms of visitor conversion, installing a heatmap tool is a necessity.

Interested in finding out more? Attend UkNetWeb’s seminar on 18th January 2016 or contact them for more details.