Software Cornwall to attend Cornwall Careers Show 14-15th Oct 15 - Tech Cornwall

If you have attended the show and would like to know more about a career in the tech industry here are some links

Cornwall Tech Week in December

Career Pathways Interviews

Local College & University Courses & Qualifications

Local College & University Courses & Qualifications

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Software Cornwall are currently exploring ideas for a work experience event in July for those who would like to spend their work experience exploring a career in tech – if you would like to register your interest please ask a parent or teacher to email [email protected] and see the Cornwall Tech Week in December and the October Mission to Mars

If you would like your school to work with Software Cornwall please ask your teacher to contact us



Software Cornwall will be inviting 4500 14-25 year olds at the Cornwall Careers Show at the Royal Cornwall Showground, Wadebridge to explore a career in software engineering.

14-15th October

Software Cornwall Members are welcomed to join the stand, please contact for further information.

Software cornwall will be hosting a 20 metre stand at the show with an array of examples of careers in the software sector with ‘have a go’ activities including programming, video on demand, project management and team working.

Activities will be hosted by Sofware Cornwall Members Bluefruit Software,, Packet Ship, Headforwards, Sullivan Cuff and Cornwall Code Club

Software Cornwall are also developing the website to help channnel those interested in pursuing a career in tech towards local courses, online resources for learning to code, careers advice with a range of career pathway interviews.  Where demand and support is available we hope to run learn to code events to help support those beginning their career journeys in the software sector.

Members supporting this event :


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Would you like to support Software Cornwall? Contact us [email protected]


Have a go at coding apps

Programming Puzzles