Early Bird Tickets on Sale for Cornwall Coding Retreat in March via Agile on the Beach

Agile on the Beach Coding Retreat 2018

Join this 2 day retreat for coders and spend time on the Cornish coast with Kevlin Henney and Jon Jagger.

Book during January for an Early Bird Tickets Discount.

Group booking discounts available.

Date: 19 & 20 March 2018   Location: Cornwall

Join Kevlin Henney and Jon Jagger for 2 days of Deliberate Practice.

Knowledge. Skill. Expertise, the skill in applying knowledge

These form the backbone of effective software development
Oh, and fun — with that you get really effective software development
And that’s what we aim to do at Code Retreat!  

At the Agile on the Beach Coding Retreat you will receive expert guidance from our experts and work with and learn from other teams at the retreat. 

During the retreat we will discuss and practice software craftsmanship, communication and creativity, focusing on TDD, pair programming, trying out new things and revisiting old ones.  Deliberate practice involves careful repetition and reflection to master, explore and understand a technique, to know its boundaries, to make it second nature.

If you code every day, keep in mind that a change is as good as a rest — yes, there will be coding, but it’s not your workaday coding. We will be using cyber-dojo, an innovative, collaborative, open source environment. We are going to have fun — join us!

With time to look at different code, and code differently, this retreat will open your mind to different ways of doing things and new ways of approaching old problems with great rewards. Using Jon Jagger’s innovative cyber-dojo environment, you will get to re-examine coding habits and debate modern practices with experts and peers.

This retreat is open to individuals and teams of all abilities:

  • Junior programmers who are looking to master their craft
  • Experienced developers who want to reflect on their own practices and hone their skills
  • All programmers who want to step back and examine how they can be better

Early Bird and Group Booking discounts available

Advice on local accommodation can be provided on request


Meet your Coding Retreat expert hosts!

Kevlin Henney
Kevlin is an independent consultant, speaker, writer and trainer. His development interests are in patterns, programming, practice and process. He has been a columnist for a number of magazines and sites and has been on far too many committees (it has been said that “a committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and then quietly strangled”). He is co-author of A Pattern Language for Distributed Computing and On Patterns and Pattern Languages, two volumes in the Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture series. He is also editor of 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know. He lives in Bristol and online.

Jon Jagger
I’m a self employed software consultant specialising in practice, process, TDD, and complex-adaptive systems-thinking. I’ve worked with Accenture, Aviva, Cisco, Ericsson, Friends Provident, HP, Microsoft, Operator, Ordnance Survey, RBS, Reuters, Renault F1, Schlumberger, Tandberg and many many more. I’m 31 years old (hex) and I’ve loved software since I was 10 (decimal). I live in Somerset in England. I’m married to the beautiful Natalie and dad to Ellie, Penny and Patrick. I love coarse fishing and salmon fishing. I’m the ex ACCU conference chairman. I’ve had some C# books published. I’m the co-author with Olve Maudal of the Deep C/C++ slide deck (over 600,000 views). On twitter I’m @JonJagger. I built cyber-dojo.org to promote deliberate practice for software developers.