Women Tech Makers Event Success - Video & Event Blog - Tech Cornwall

Event Video – Women Tech Makers South West


Event Blog by Kate Gibson, Hi9

Google Women Techmakers (WTM) Events have always had a clear mission – to encourage and demonstrate the diversity of career opportunities for women in the tech the industry. The Women Techmakers South West delivered the exact same message – putting womens best future forwards, but with a twist – unique location.

Most WTM’s take place in major cities across the world, so choosing Cornwall to host an event was not just a step away from the norm by Google, but a huge endorsement of the tech community in the Southwest.

The idea was formulated over a dinner in London with a group of Google Developers. Wo and Josh King from Hi9, (a Cornish bot and AI design agency), found themselves in conversation with Jen Ashley, Amanda Cavallaro and Bursa Deniz, all proactive promoters and contributors of Women in Tech.

One of the topics of conversation was the challenge of working in remote rural locations and how Cornwall had overcome the problem by creating a thriving, robust community of both businesses and individuals headed by the female lead Software Cornwall team. So it was decided that the Southwest would be an ideal place to hold a WTM.

A calendar was set up by Wo before handing over leadership of organisation and marketing to Lyssa Fee Crump (Headforwards), supported by Belinda Waldock (Being Agile) and Natalia Waniczek (NixonDesign) while Cornwall College, kindly offered to host the event in March.

Holding a WTM in the South West offered women of all ages, backgrounds, and skill sets, the chance to come together, network and explore career opportunities in tech on all different levels and in different areas of interest. It brought together some of the leading lights within the industry, from both in and outside the county, to share their expertise and experience with the audience.

Visitors enjoyed live, hands on codelabs including an introduction to bot Creation and the importance of Persona Development, delivered by Amanda Cavallaro and Chloe Pattison. Bursra Deniz, showed attendees the basics of how to create Apps on Android, while Belinda Waldock demonstrated Agile in the workplace and Natalia Waniczek talked about Accessibility on the Web.

There was also training in softer skills including, Presenting Purposefully, delivered by Fiona Crump, plus lightning talks set to inspire and motivate the audience and to demonstrate pathways into all the various fields within the industry.

WTM-SW has gone a long way to endorse that Cornwall as a force to be reckoned with and that it’s one of this country’s leading tech hubs. Google Women Techmakers Southwest 2018 sold out with 120 people registered to attend and proved to be a perfect example of how concerted efforts can deliver on the day.

Special thanks go to Amanda Cavallaro and Bursa Deniz for travelling to Cornwall as guest speakers, to all the efforts and support of the amazing organisers from the Software Cornwall team already mentioned, to Cornwall College, Camborne for hosting the event, local companies, Headforwards, Hi9, Bluefruit, AeroSpace Cornwall, Nixon Design, Radix Communications, Yellow Dot Women and more for their support and enthusiasm and of course all you lovely ladies out there for attending!

Thank you sponsors, without you this event would not be possible.
Radix Communications
AeroSpace Cornwall
CIOS Skills Hub
Being Agile
Oh So Social
Cornwall College