Google Women Techmakers South West - Saturday 24th March 2018

Google Women Techmakers Event – South West.

Book your free tickets for the first Google Women Techmakers South West on Eventbrite

Calling all tech aficionados!

Are you an aspiring developer?

Are you currently studying computer science?

Or perhaps you are already working in tech but want to take your career to the next level?

Then you need to join us on Saturday 24th March for the South West’s first Google Women Tech Makers event!

If you are passionate about tech and live in the South West of the UK then you are not going to want to miss this fantastic event.

The lucky people who get to join us will meet, inspire and be encouraged by a group of awesome tech loving women!

The full schedule is to be released soon but the day will include:

  • Hands on coding workshops (please bring your own laptop)
  • Presentation skills for women
  • Lightning talk from women working in tech – where they will share their awesome projects
  • A keynote talk from someone super awesome!
  • Networking with some kick ass women

We will get more information shared ASAP but spaces are limited, so please don’t wait to book your space.

All are welcome to this event, whether you already work and study tech, or you are interested in finding out more.  If you are under 16 you will need to bring a responsible adult along with you, please book tickets for all attending.

The event starts at 1000, so please arrive a few mins before to sign in and grab a coffee and a danish.
We have a lot of exciting content to cram into the day so we will have three things running at once for the first few hours of the day.

1000 – 1015 Welcome

1015 – 1215 Bursa Deniz- coding workshop – Let’s build your first Android App together!  (T1)

1015 – 1215 Amanda Cavallaro – Coding Workshop – Chatbots (T2)

1015 – 1215 Belinda Waldock- Being Agile – Inspiring and Engaging Women in Tech (T3)

1220 – 1240 Fiona Crump – Yellow Dot Women – Presenting with Purpose (T1)

1220 – 1240 Natalia Waniczek – Nixon –  Accessibility on Web (T2)

1240 – 1330 Lightning talks

1330 – 1430 Lunch and networking



If you wish to take part in the code workshops please bring a laptop with you.
The chatbots workshop is suitable for complete beginners.  
If you wish to attend the Android workshop you please download Android studio and Android SDK before the event.


Busra Deniz

Busra Deniz has an impressive background in tecBusra Deniz - Women Techmakers South Westh. She started her career in mobile development at university by developing Android applications using Donut. After getting a taste for this, she added iOS to her toolbox.

Now, she’s a Software Engineer with a keen interest in developing high-quality mobile applications using agile principles and methodologies, especially Scrum.

Besides being co-organizer in two different communities, Google Developer Group and Women TechMakers Istanbul, she enjoys voluntarily organising and speaking at developer events. We’re incredibly lucky to have her as one of our guest speakers at Women TechMakers in Cornwall this March.

She is especially devoted to gender equality and visibility of females in software development. She believes that sharing knowledge and collaborating with the other people through these events, will deliver innovation and new perspectives. She always loves being part of a team and thinks that individual commitment to a team is the key to success.

Currently, she is working on an international project as a Certificated Scrum Master and Mobile Engineer in Netas, to develop Android and iOS SDKs. Those SDKs allow other programmers to develop their applications, which are capable of voice call, video call and IM using Google WebRTC. As a software engineer, her goal is delivering software with high quality and robust architecture.

Android 101 – Let’s build your first Android app together!

In this workshop, we will build a simple news application on Android platform. You don’t need to look at anything before coming, we’ll walk through Android basics together. At the end of the workshop, we’ll have learned some basic Android app components, UI components and networking.

The only thing you can do before coming workshop is downloading Android Studio and Android SDK in your laptop and make sure it’s running properly.  It’s required to develop an android application.

To download android studio, you can follow following links :–ud808

We’ll use following github repo during workshop if you want to take a look at it before coming workshop :


Amanda Cavallaro

Amanda Cavallaro - Women Techmakers South WestAmanda Cavallaro is a software developer, passionate about Cloud technologies, Human-Computer Interactions and Chatbots. She works at and is a Women Techmakers Lead and Community Organiser at GDG Cloud London and has presented all around the world.

You can chat with her in in an impressive choice of four languages – English, Portuguese, Japanese and Italian.

Chatbot Hack

Amanda will spend the first hour of the workshop covering Dialogflow and how it used.
She will also be joined by Chloe Pattison who will talk about the importance of persona. Then Mimi Beard will join them to share some insights on harassment and how the bot they are building to combat this.



Belinda Waldock

Belinda Waldock - Women Techmakers South West

Belinda is founder and director of Software Cornwall which supports Cornwall’s growing tech community.  She is an internationally published author on Business Agility and helps businesses and teams to be more agile.  She’s also co-organiser of Agile on the Beach, a world leading technology conference run annually here in Cornwall.   Belinda actively works to inspire more women in tech, one of her goals throughout all her work is to help build a tech community in Cornwall that is open, inclusive and welcoming to all.   

Inspiring and Engaging Women in Tech – Workshop & Discussion

This session aims to help us collectively identify great ideas for inspiring and engaging more women to consider working in our brilliant tech community!  We will get hands-on to map out our ideas and capture all our thoughts, then work to build these into activities and plans that can be tested and developed over the next year, and how we can work collectively to make them happen too!  We are keen to look at how we can attract more women, and greater diversity at our existing events and activities, as well as new activities and focused work on diversity and culture within our tech community. Join us to work on our plan for inspiring and engaging more women into tech!  


Fiona Crump

Fiona Crump - Women Techmakers South WestFiona is an experienced counsellor, coach and communicator.

For over 20 years she has worked with businesses and individuals, supporting them to develop the confidence and competence required to become leaders in their chosen fields.  
With a degree in psychology, a research interest in stress and work-life balance and as a Master Practitioner of NLP, Fiona takes an eclectic approach to people development but always with a focus on the realisation of potential.

Yellow Dot Women is a new venture for Fiona with a clear focus on women’s development.

“Equality in the workplace is by no means a given but if women are to compete on a level playing field then they cannot afford to be negligent about their own personal development.  Their skills need to be honed, their confidence polished and they need to have well defined goals to strive for.”

Presenting with Purpose

Formal presentations give women an opportunity to be seen and heard and every professional woman needs to be able to make her mark in this way.  At best an ability to present can be a career boosting marker for success but an inability to present results in a whole range of lost opportunities; promotions missed, sales lost or funding opportunities wasted.

The focus of this short presentation will be on how to present with an emphasis on communicating with people rather than talking at them and we will consider how to build rapport with your audience, how to seem confident when you don’t feel it and how to structure a presentation for maximum impact.


Natalia Waniczek

Natalia Waniczek - Women Techmakers South WestNatalia graduated from Truro College with a Foundation Degree in Web Technology before going on to do a year’s placement as a Project Manager in online retail.
She came to Nixon Design via Headforwards where she worked as a Front-End Developer for a year and a half. Fluent in a range of spoken and digital languages; from Polish, English, and German to JavaScript, HTML, CSS and PHP, Natalia finds the similarities in syntax and grammar fascinating.

In her spare time she organises and attends events in the developers community. Natalia is also a CrossFit addict and when she is not skipping or swinging kettlebells she will be out walking her super awesome whippet dog.

Accessibility on Web.

A short talk about why accessibility is important and what can designers, content strategists, and developers do to create more inclusive content.

The lightning talks

Gail Eastaugh – AeroSpace Cornwall – Women in AeroSpace

Jordan Barkway – Bluefruit  – Being a Software Developer Apprentice

Caitlin Gould – Bluefruit – Bouncing back

Lorna Dallas – Women in STEM Plymouth – The Power of Networking

Fiona Campbell-Howes – Radix Communications – 5 Tips to Bear in Mind if You’re Setting Up Your Own Business

Katherine George – Oh So Social – Using Social to get a Tech Job

Emma Cheney  – Headforwards – How I Became a Software Developer

Belinda Munro – AXA PPP Healthcare – How I became CTO


Thank you to Software Cornwall for being our delivery partner for this event.

Thank you to all our sponsors, without you this event would not be possible.

Radix Communications


CIOS Skills Hub

AeroSpace Cornwall




Being Agile


Cornwall College