Merry Christmas! - Tech Cornwall

What an excellent year we have had here at Software Cornwall. We just wanted to say thank you for all your continued support and enthusiasm. Merry Christmas everyone, here’s to an amazing 2016!

New Membership 
The new membership model is proving to be a success. We are pleased to see so many new members joining. We are a not for profit and it is your membership that keeps us going. Thank you


Welcome Mube 
Mube have been joining us at various MeetUps and events. It is fantastic to have them as members of Software Cornwall. Particularly Bailey, our first canine member.

Mube join Software Cornwall

School Assemblies 
In the new year Software Cornwall Tech Champions will be visiting secondary schools to give assemblies. Is your school signed up? Would you like to volunteer?


Welcome Liminal 
Liminal design have now joined Software Cornwall and we are pleased to have them as members. Liminal are looking forward to getting more involved with our community.

Liminal Design Join Software Cornwall

Work Experience 
Is your child looking for a work experience placement for 2016? Please register your interest online to be part of the Software Cornwall work experience workshop.


Mackerel Sky join Software Cornwall

Welcome Mackerel Sky
Mackerel Sky Events have been associated with Software Cornwall for a quite some time, they are also instrumental in organising Agile on the Beach. It is great to have them on board.