New Membership Model Launched - Tech Cornwall

Supporting Cornwall’s Growing Software Community

Connecting, Promoting and Supporting the tech community in Cornwall

Following the launch of Software Cornwall and with the support of the first founding and early supporters we are now half way to our target membership to provide core support to our members.  Through feedback from the wider community we have now evolved version 2.0 of our membership model.

Details of the new member model for Software Cornwall are now available, find out more about the community in the below video and further details of our new member options.

Video : Software Cornwall Community Mission & Activities

Representing the tech community and businesses in Cornwall

Inspiring a new generation of talent in digital engineering

Software Cornwall is a Not for Profit organisation and its activites are funded and delivered through the support of its members, sponsors and volunteers.

We welcome all new members, you can join Software Cornwall as an individual or as an organisation.

Click to view below as PDF – Software Cornwall MembershipSWCMembershipNov15


click for further information and sign up form

As well as membership, Software Cornwall works with a number of organisations who provide support through sponsorship, in kind and collaborative working.  View our community page or email  [email protected]