Join our upcoming Virtual Tech Connect event - Tech Cornwall

Cornwall’s tech community is invited to join us from 1pm – 2pm on Wednesday the 21st of October 2020 for our upcoming Tech Connect via Zoom. Get your ticket now via Eventbrite

Tech Connect events offer the perfect opportunity to engage with our members as well as the wider community. They can include a mixture of talks, workshops and led discussions.

We have speakers from Codices a Penryn tech company born at Falmouth University’s Launchpad. Codices work with brands and influencers to create live interactive shows on Twitch, a video live streaming service which is a subsidiary of Amazon.

We will be joined by Cornwall Skills Hub who will deliver an interactive session to draw out the training needs of your business. This is part of the ongoing collaboration between the 2 organisations and feeding into Software Cornwall’s Employer Led Skills project. From this session we will be able to run relevant training for your business which can be part funded by us in order to lower the barriers to entry.

This 3 year programme aims to upskill your staff with up to date sector relevant specialist skills. We want to help your business grow in the years to come as part of our mission to grow Cornwall’s Tech community building upon the industry’s rapid expansion in recent years.