Cornwall's Tech Cluster Map - Tech Cornwall

We are delighted to release our first map of the digital tech community in Cornwall with over 100 businesses featured.

Please click on the map to view


This map has been collated by the Cornish Tech community through the Software Cornwall, Cornwall Tech Cluster Map project. If you would like to add your business please fill in this simple Google Form , to connect with businesses visit our members pages and to collaborate on this project please contact [email protected]

Thanks to members for their development of this map, we are currently working on Version 2.0 which will enable businesses to add their businesses directly to the map and build more data on our tech community.

3D map – thanks to Dan Reeves for his 3D map using the Software Cornwall community data!

Should you be on the Cornish Tech Cluster Map?

Software Cornwall have been mapping the digital tech cluster in Cornwall for a while, and are in the process of putting together a comprehensive map of all the businesses in the area.

Should your business to be on that map? It can be.
All you need to do is just fill in this simple Google Form and we will add you to the next map release

Data Usage

If you would like to help us visualise our community data please contact us!  While this data is not available as opendata as such, we are delighted to share basic map data with our members and more widely if it will benefit our community.  Please do contact us to discuss your ideas, terms of use and to agree usage.  We do ask that credit where the data is used is given to the Software Cornwall community and that you will let us share your work collaboratively so that we can continue to grow and develop our data project further. thank you! please email [email protected] for more information.