Local College & University Courses & Qualifications - Tech Cornwall

Student Study Routes

Studying for a career in software in Cornwall has a variety of routes. Ideally a student would start at the beginning with a GCSE in Computer Science and work their way through but that is not a complete necessity. Colleges and universities can take students in at later stages. So though there are routes through the studies laid out below, please do not take this as gospel truth. Contact the individual institutions directly to see what they are looking for in a student.

Years 10 & 11 at School

Whilst still at school Computer Science GCSE is the first available choice into a career in the software industry. Though not available at all schools don’t think that this will stop your options later on. Students can still be taken on at later stages. 

‘A’ Level Computer Science

‘A’ Levels can be taken either in a few sixth forms around Cornwall or at the Truro, Penwith and Callywith Colleges. Again not everyone on these courses has taken computer science GCSE prior to the ‘A’ level. Approach the colleges and ask.

18 Years Old & Above

If you would like to study tech in Cornwall there are plenty of options, short courses, degrees, post graduate, entrepreneurial courses, and many more. Browse courses available from local colleges and universities below.

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