TECgirls Live - 22nd of August - Tech Cornwall

A free event dedicated to igniting a passion for technology, engineering and creativity for young girls in Cornwall.

 TECgirls was set up by a group of women and men in Cornwall who want to change the status quo. Across the UK there is a lack of women in technology, engineering and the creative sectors. This filters down to a lack of participation at the college, secondary and even primary school levels.  Girls just don’t seem to be joining in. Our founding group decided to try to tackle the issue as early as possible, looking at ways to help girls as young as 6 realise that TEC can be a girl thing.


Join us on the 22nd of August for a free day of technology, engineering and creativity. Build and launch a rocketship. Learn how to code a rainbow. Create your own animation. Race a robot around an obstacle course. Or build your own music machine.

TECgirls LIVE is a chance for young girls (and their parents) to play, learn and explore. Aimed at girls 6-12 years old, the day will be packed with lots of fun and exciting activities for girls to play with. There is no requirement for any previous experience and there will be helpers and mentors to guide the girls and their parents through these activities.

We have two sessions available. A morning session from 10:00 – 13:00 and an afternoon session from 13:30 – 16:30.

All children must be accompanied by an adult. Maximum 2 children per adult please. While there will be mentors and helpers at the event, there will not be childcare in place and you will have full responsibility for your children.

More details about TECgirls can be found at tecgirls.co.uk