Pop-up Innovation Centre Moves to Bude & Stratton Town Council - Tech Cornwall

Business innovation support programme, Acceleration through Innovation (ATI), are moving their Pop-up Innovation Centre to Bude to provide local businesses with fully-funded innovation advice, hot-desking and meeting space. Their latest location is set to be held within the Bude & Stratton Town Council Building and will officially open for business on 5th November 2019. 

The Bude Pop-up Innovation Centre is offered to small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) based in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly and, thanks to funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the facilities are at no cost for eligible businesses to use. Frequenters of the workspace are welcome to enjoy complimentary wifi, free printing and other office essentials.

Paul Rogers, Pop-up Innovation Centre Coordnator for ATI, explains: “The local businesses that use this space find the Pop-up Innovation Centre vital for making new business connections, it’s also a really useful resource which helps them access the additional business support available via the ATI programme, the University of Plymouth and the various other ERDF projects that we partner with.”

To celebrate the imminent opening of the Bude Pop-up Innovation Centre, ATI are hosting a grand launch event at the Falcon Hotel on Tuesday 5th November, from 8:30am to 10:00am. Local business people and stakeholders within the town are invited to meet the ATI team and find out more about how they can utilise this flexible workspace.

The Mayor of Bude, Councillor Bob Willingham, will be attending the launch and welcomes the arrival of the Pop-up Innovation Centre. “I’m really pleased that the pop-up innovation Centre has travelled this far north in Cornwall. Here in Bude-Stratton we are situated in a Wilderness, so every aspect of help should be capitalised on. I hope that the businesses here will engage with ATI to explore and possibly expand their potential”, he says.

The Bude Pop-up Innovation Centre will be available up until the end of January 2020 and operates a drop-in service. Hot desks, meetings and events availability is run on a first come first served basis. To ensure availability it’s recommended that you email Paul Rogers, ATI Pop-up Innovation Centre Coordinator, on [email protected] or call 07525 770552 to discuss your individual business needs

ATI is a three year £3 million European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project which aims to support business innovation across Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. Led by the University of Plymouth and in partnership with Cornwall Innovation, the project drives a culture of innovation, supporting businesses who are looking to adopt innovative processes or who aspire to bring a new product or service to market. 

For more information about ATI or to register your interest in the programme visit www.aticornwallinnovation.co.uk