Open Tech Challenge - Autumn 2019 - Tech Cornwall

Call out to Cornish digital makers young and old.

Software Cornwall, sponsored by Agile on the Beach and Cornwall Council, are inviting Cornish digital makers, of any age, to come and exhibit their ideas, inventions and creations at Heartlands on Saturday the 23rd November. Participation is free and individuals, teams or groups from Schools, Colleges, Universities or other organisations are welcome to join in.

The Open Tech Challenge provides a perfect opportunity for you to help highlight the creativity of the Cornish digital maker movement. The digital maker showcase will enable participants to meet, chat, swap ideas, learn something new, discuss your build with interested like-minded creatives. Your project may be an educational project whether for fun or part of a marked assessment or a side project you pour yourself into after work. We are hoping to encourage entrants from a wide skill set of individuals.

The Open Tech Challenge from Software Cornwall. With the backing of the Agile on the Beach conference and Cornwall Council, the aim is to have regular meetings around Cornwall. Those of us with a creative technological persuasion will have an outlet for our ideas, somewhere to meet and greet others, show and tell about our creations and possibly meet companies interested in taking your abilities further.

This is not just about somewhere to get together for a social chat. It is about getting those interested in utilising technology. Those who enjoy solving a problem with software or digital solutions. Those who would like to develop their interest into something more. Who knows who you might meet or what you might learn?

How to Exhibit

Ideas completed, in progress or still at the development stage are welcome. Bring along something to show. A video on a tablet or laptop maybe, a poster with drawings and photographs, parts and pieces still to be assembled or the completed creation. Show off your coding skills to solve that problem, encourage others to take a look under the hood of your creation, open up your ideas to a wider audience but be prepared to absorb new ideas from others too.

Software Cornwall asks that you register to exhibit for the event before 19th November. Latecomers will not necessarily be excluded but we need to organise the space. If you’d just like to visit then you are welcome too and bring along your ideas next time.

Booking a Place

Entrance is by pre-booked tickets only. Each individual attending will need to book a ticket in their own name.


Please see the Heartlands website for travel and parking info.